Mọi trao đổi xin liên hệ: bientaynguyen@gmail.com

Tuesday, December 25, 2012


December 25, 2012

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Tác giả: Harry Haines.

Hold my hand and I’ll hold yours
And we’ll go dancing to the shores
Of sunlit lands where happy grows
The Trysting Tree, beneath which flows
The sunbeam stream where fairies bathe
And ships with sails of breezes take

Cargoes of cares to the secret cave
Where the wisest fairy works to make
Them into new and shining joys,
And all the tears of girls and boys
Are made into a necklace for
The loveliest queen of all that shore.

Beneath the Trysting Tree we’ll tell
Our dreams into a singing shell
And read the stories of the flowers
As page on page we turn the hours.
We’ll talk as brightly as singing birds
Of things untaught in any school
In a laugh of language gemmed with words
Shaped newly with our twist tongue tool.
We’ll eat our fill of fairy food
And drink the wine no grownup could.
Then on a magic spell we’ll ride
And see all from the other side.

Whenever you’re sad remember we
Can meet beneath the Trysting Tree.
Just call my name, you know it well,
It has the name that none can spell
And we’ll romp again through magic fields
And from our purses stuffed with stars
We’ll pay for all that dreaming builds,
Those castles in the sky and cars
Drawn swiftly by a lightning streak;
Who knows, perhaps we’ll even speak
To that loveliest Queen who proudly wears
The necklace made from pearls of tears.

Nguồn bài Magma poetry


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